Fedora 4, ArchivesSpace, and Islandora Sync: Updates from the Community
Session Type: Presentation
Session Description
Fedora 4′s principle objectives are to provide a robust platform to support
emerging data management needs, with native support for management and
publishing via linked-data, in a package that is dramatically streamlined to
deploy and support, and that preserves Fedora’s traditional strengths
(flexibility, extensibility, durability, community). This session will present
Fedora 4′s emerging architecture and functionality, highlighting the new
capabilities of the system. As importantly, it will present Fedora’s
revitalized development, community and governance framework, with an
invitation and opportunity for the digital library community to join and help
shape this critical effort in these still early days.
Session Leader
Andrew Woods, DuraSpace
Session Description
With the release of ArchivesSpace 1.0, the ArchivesSpace project team will
have integrated the Archivists’ Toolkit (AT) and Archon, two precursor archive
information management applications. But ArchivesSpace 1.0 goes far beyond
that integration, as it includes functionality not in AT or Archon and is
buttressed by a business model designed to support continuing development of
ArchivesSpace. In this presentation, project team members will:
1. Provide an overview of ArchivesSpace 1.0, highlighting its additional
functionality and significant accomplishments,
2. Explain the ArchivesSpace membership model, and
3. Present a call for community involvement and a provisional roadmap to
ArchivesSpace 2.0.
Session Leaders
David Millman, New York University
Katherine Kott, Consultant
Mark Matienzo, Yale University
Bradley Westbrook, ArchivesSpace
Session Description
Islandora combines the the Fedora repository system and the Drupal content
management framework. Using Drupal to build the user interface layer for a
digital library has numerous advantages. Drupal is highly modular and
extensible, and lends itself to rapid development. Islandora limits the
extensibility of Drupal so that it coordinates well with the rest of the
infrastructure in the system. Islandora Sync overcomes this limitation by
presenting Fedora content as nodes within the Drupal framework. Use cases will
be presented to illustrate the benefits of using Sync to expose Fedora-hosted
Session Leaders
Kristian Allen, University of California, Los Angeles
Mark Leggot, DiscoveryGarden, Inc.
View the community reporting Google doc for this session.